Thursday, February 24, 2011


Finally, a full week back to school.  I finally felt some normality today, after a couple's weeks with sporadic snow days and no school and being out of town last week, this week has seemed steady.  However, just because I said steady does not mean uneventful...

Mat and I put an application toward an apartment and we are APPROVED.  It's nice to finally have that ironed be honest think we both are somewhat scared but more so excited.  I got Mat's ring yesterday and he was like a little kid in a candy store.  So precious.  He ordered mine today :)!  And 2 days ago, he booked our honeymoon!  San Juan, Puerto Rico here we come!  So blessed that I will be his wife, and that it will be our first trip as a married couple!  He is just so amazing!

Update on Coco: MISS HER like crazy..I talk to her in my room like she was there..I leave voice message on the house machine back home so she can hear my voice during the day...hope this isn't a glimpse of how I am when Mat and I have kids one day far away :) 

I'm stressed on the hunt for shoes!  I have to have a 3.5 inch heel to be exact for my dress...quite challenging..not breaking the bank, for it to be comfortable and GORGEOUS!  Good new's is MY DRESS CAME IN!  I have gone to see the seamstress and its in the process barely any alterations! YES!  

On a more serious note:

It's been a full week of school, marriage counseling, and bible study.  

This week in bible study we are watching a series from Donald Miller entitled, "Let Story Guide You."  The disk is only a two part series, but we finished up this past week.  Just has been making me think how can I make my "story" better.  If i were to leave this Earth, what legacy would I leave?  What would people miss or what would the world do without me on this Earth?  Anyways, this series really just tugged at my many ways!  I've been so caught up in the everyday routines, the classes, babysitting, bible study, counseling, planning the wedding, traveling that I feel far from God.  Not because of Him but because I haven't been genuinely turning to Him and talking with him.  We pray in class, I read the bible all the time during class...but looking at it; I see it as homework and I'm not even reading it like God is there...I catch myself just going through the motions, catching myself being distracted because my mind is so bogged down with everything.  This past Wednesday night, I got a wake up call or more like a tug at my heart through the video of God saying, "I miss you, come talk to me, Come spend time with me!"  So after tonight's class, I'm really going to just spend time with God this weekend an love on Him, not because He needs my love or can't survive with out my love or attention but because I desperately need Him and can not survive without him!  I'm so glad that God chased after me and that I'm one of His daughters.  This world is temporary and prone to sin, when we are hurt by the ones we love, or let down by circumstances or sin, I find comfort in that God is Perfect and His love is Perfect for us!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Post!

Well, this is my first post..don't really know what to think of "blogging" but here it goes right.  I know right now I only have one follower, so I will give my shout out to Jayme Scott, whom also hooked me up with the layout etc because I was about to quit before I even started.  I really don't know if I will have time to blog or will have the energy to keep up with this sort of thing, but who knows maybe I'll be as addicted as I am to Facebook.  

In a brief summary, I got engaged last May 31, 2010, memorial day, to the most amazing guy in the world Mathew Geoffrey Denny.  We then 2 month's later moved to Dallas, Texas so that I could attend Dallas Theological Seminary.  He is also in school and transfered to the Ruth Chris out here.  We both really wanted to get married in November of 2010, but it was too close with too little time to plan.  And after trying to plan a wedding in 10 month's, i've have come to the conclusion that i'm am glad that we waited!  November is a special month to us, because it is the month that we first met!  Friday, November 13, 2010 to be exact!  However, I have found many ways the March 12, 2011 (Our Wedding Day) will be special:
                1.  It's the day we are going to be married
                2.  October 12 (key number 12) is my birthday
                3.  March 21 (flip number's around=12) is Mathew's birthday
                4.  It is almost a week before Mat's birthday
                5.  Beautiful Spring time
                6.  It's my spring break-2 weeks off!
Okay, well those are all I have come up with, I'm sure there will be more to come.  Anyways, I am not the best planner in the world, so this wedding has been a lot of work and doing it half way cross the country is challenging too!  However, everything is coming together and tomorrow Mat and I will be headed back to Jacksonville to finish up final plans: flowers, dj, shoes for the bridemaids, decorating.  Coco will be making the plane ride as well..which was a very hard decision because she is like my child!  We are going to leave her with my mom till we come back for the wedding March 6.'s going to be rough..she is my sleeping buddy! 

Well, I officially thought I posted this the other day and went to view my blog and realized I have no posts!  

I am now in Jacksonville, Mat and I are finishing up all the last minute wedding plans.  Tomorrow we have meeting with a lot of vendors for many different things regarding the wedding..we will be meeting with people from 10-6 then going to have a family dinner!  I have found it quite hard to juggle coming home between Mat and I having to share one car, see his mom, his dad and stepmom, my mom and little sister!  Oh yes, and see all our friends we have missed...oh and did I mention trying to plan a wedding!  Saturday, I am excited I am going to get my trial run for the wedding for my hair and highlights!  Anyways, getting late and I'm visiting with my sister using her laptop, so I could show her I have a blog which she made quite fun of me!  She has no room to talk though because she has a twitter dedicated to Justin Beiber and a youtube account I am banned from knowing!  I miss her and am sad that I don't get to spend much time with her because during the day she is in high school and saturday at 4 A.M. she fly to D.C. to sing with her school chorus :( bad timing for the visit!  Be back some time soon!
